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Fleeting short posts are ephemeral. Thoughtful long posts are evergreen.




    When you ignore or procrastinate an update on an app or cellphone or computer, it ends up slowing down the system. Apps are notorious for not working when they are not updated. Ultimately, if not updated regularly, the app, cellphone or computer ends up losing most of its utility.

    A similar thing happens when you ignore personal updates. Those things that keep popping up and you know you must do in order to progress, but you keep ignoring. The more you postpone or procrastinate them, the more it bogs you down. Ignore those personal updates long enough, and you too will stop functioning properly.

    Have you ever tried to update a whole bunch of apps on your phone all at once? It slows down your phones performance a lot. It eats up a lot of your phone’s battery, and it takes a long time. Something similar happens when you try to update all at once. You slow down your performance, you use a lot of your energy, and it takes you longer to update.

    Remember that updates are incremental. They happen in small batches at a time.

    If you take the time to go through the process and make those upgrades (quality of life updates, spiritual updates, relationship updates, financial updates), you’ll be happier and less stressed. Yes, you still have to go through the process of upgrading, and it will require some time and effort. But in the end, you’ll be glad you did so.

    For more personal updates that will help you succeed in life, watch Limhi Live, Monday through Saturday at 5:30 PM (MST).


    It always seems impossible until it’s done. – Nelson Mandela


    Step One

    Change the word “impossible” to the word “improbable.”

    This change in words automatically shifts your focus. You’ve taken the “impossible” with its “never gonna happen” illusion, and brought it to the reality of improbable.

    When something is improbable, you’re able to gauge or guess the likelihood of an outcome. Improbability asks: what are the chances?

    Step Two

    Go from improbable to probable.

    Improbable and probable are two sides of the same coin. Thinking of how improbable something is, will naturally lead you to think of how probable it is. While improbability asks “what are the chances this won’t happen?”, probability asks “what are the chances this WILL happen?”

    Even the smallest probability means there is a chance.

    Step Three

    Turn probable into possible.

    Once you start to see there is a chance, even if it’s a slight chance, you enter the realm of what is possible. You have the power to act on what is possible. You can work with possible. It is closer and more available than you realize.

    Possible is within your reach

    One Example

    Where seasoned artists saw an impossibility, the 26 year old Michelangelo saw possibility.

    Over a span of 40 years, several artists worked on the block of marble that would become the David. Those artists called the block of marble “imperfect” and “impossible” to work with. They eventually gave up.

    When Michelangelo saw the block of marble, he saw the possibility of a masterpiece. He focused on what he could do, and worked at it for two years. Once unveiled to the world, the David was instantly recognized as a masterpiece.

    Now it’s your turn. Make the impossible possible, and go create your masterpiece.

    Featured Photo by Victor Garcia on Unsplash.




    “Now” is the only future available to you. The rest of your life is in this moment and no other. You don’t know if you’ll make it to the next moment. The farther out you imagine into the future, the more you delude yourself into thinking that you have all the time in the world. That’s just a mirage.

    The time available to you is right now.

    You can only be present in this moment. Visualization is mental practice and imagining of a future moment. But how do you know you’ll make it to that future moment? You don’t know. You may not even complete this day. All you have available to you is right now. Live your life believing the future will be right because you’re making it bright right now.

    The rest of you life starts right now. The rest of your life is right now. The rest of your life is in this moment. Focus on this moment and make the best of it. Take care of the now, and the future will take care of itself.

    Featured Photo by Juli Moreira on Unsplash.

    Do you need some inspiration and clarity in your life? Then come get it live on air, Monday through Saturday from 5:30 to 7:30 PM (MST). Visit Limhi.Live or Twith.tv/limhilive to watch Limhi inspire the world and answer your questions.





    Comparing yourself to others robs you of joy. It steals the satisfaction of being who you are. Your focus moves away from what you have and who you really are. If you compare yourself to others, your focus is on what is absent in yourself and your life. You start to feel that you are not good enough, and that what you do is not good enough. Or you may feel that no matter what you do, you just don’t get the same result as others who seemingly have it easier. You begin to believe “the grass is greener on the other side,” and you lose appreciation for what you have and who you are.

    Comparison is useful when you are improving upon yourself. It is useful to look at a previous version of yourself and measure against that. It is also useful to compare when you are seeking to understand something. In those cases, comparison can help you spot the difference and similarities.

    Outward comparison comes from a place of judgment and robs you of joy. Inward comparison comes from a place of love and brings you understanding.


    Imitation comes from comparison. You imitate when you judge someone or something  as better to your own effort and expression. You see in the other something that is missing in yourself, and you desire it. Like comparison, imitation is focused on the other and on the external. It is not the sincerest form of flattery. Rather, it is the sincerest form of rejection of self.

    There is a useful form of imitation. It is the kind of imitation that humbly recognizes the genius of another, and seeks to internalize that expression of genius. In its highest form, imitation becomes discipleship. The picking up the torch and doing your best to carry forward that light and knowledge you’ve received from another.


    At their best, comparison and imitation lead to inspiration. When you appreciate another completely, and see their authentic expression of self, it gives you permission to do the same. It inspires you to fully and authentically express yourself and be you. You feel a desire to up your game, to level up. and to come from a heart centered place where you show the world who you are.

    Inspiration allows you to love the other and the Self. There is no judgment in inspiration. Only acceptance and appreciation. Differences and flaws become things you celebrated rather than reject. Inspiration allows you to see things clearly. You see others and yourself as you really are. And you accept others and yourself with compassion and respect.

    When comparison sees that the grass is greener on the other side, inspiration sees that the grass is green everywhere. And even if there is a brown patch, inspiration sees an opportunity to water a dry spot and nurture the green into existence. When imitation sees something to aspire to, inspiration sees an invitation to unleash your own unique and authentic flavor.

    The world has enough comparison and imitation. It needs inspiration. It needs you to be inspired, and to give full voice to your inner genius. Your authentic expression of Self will unleash more inspiration into the world.

    Featured Photo by Dietmar Becker on Unsplash.

    This post was inspired by content shared on my new talk show Limhi Live.

    Catch the show streaming live Monday through Saturday, 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM (MST) on twitch.tv/limhilive or www.limhi.live.


    When you do the thing, you move in the direction of your dreams.


    Let’s talk about your dreams and goals for a moment. Think of them and reflect. What is it you really want? Maybe you want to slim down and achieve wellness. Perhaps you want to be debt free or achieve financial independence. Your dream may be to perform in famous opera houses around the world. Whatever your dream or goal, there’s one reason you haven’t achieved it yet.

    You haven’t achieved your dream or goal because you haven’t done “the thing.” Each dream or goal has a “thing” that is required. It may be a sacrifice or trade off. Some dreams and goals require the proverbial “10,000 hours.” While others require years of passion and persistence. Often, “the thing” involves private battles and struggles no one knows about.

    The thing about “the thing” is that it’s usually made up of smaller and simpler “things.” One thing leads to another thing, and then another and another. Sometimes “the thing” seems completely unrelated to your dream or goal. Other times, “the thing” requires a singular focus and determination. You may have to approach “the thing” from different angles, or knock on the door more than once. “The thing” can shift from moment to moment, so you gotta be flexible and willing to flow with it. Whatever “the thing” is, you must do it.

    Now think about your dream or goal again. Ask yourself:

    What is the one thing I must do in this moment to achieve my dream or goal?

    Write your answer down. Now go. DO THE THING!

    Featured Photo by Elena Koycheva on Unsplash.


    Books are windows into wisdom.


    Last week during Limhi.Live, a viewer asked what books have inspired me. I named a few, and decided to make a list of the books that have inspired me throughout my life. I grew up surrounded by books. My parents bought us all kinds of books to read, from classic children’s stories to short biographies of historical figures. I’ve spent countless hours reading books of different genres. In college I formed the habit of carrying a book with me. I would read a few pages right before class, on breaks between study sessions, during lunch, and while waiting for friends or classmates. When I went to law school, I continued the habit of carrying a book to read.

    Reading has brought me understanding, joy, excitement, peace, inspiration, knowledge and wisdom, imagination of new worlds and possibilities, compassion and empathy, and so much more. A book becomes a treasure no one can steal, and one that endures forever. When you read, you open up to the worlds and experiences of others. You learn to see things differently. Reading books allows you to be tutored by the great minds of the ages, and to have personal mentors on all areas of life.

    Here is an incomplete list of books that inspire me:

    The Amazing Spider-Man comics

    Aesop’s Fables

    The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway

    The Collected Works of Emily Dickinson

    The Collected Works of William Shakespeare

    Popol Vuh

    The Book of Mormon

    The Bible (King James Version)

    The Koran Interpreted (Arthur Arberry Translation)

    The Dhammapada (Eknath Easwaran translation)

    The Upanishads (Eknath Easwaran translation)

    The Bhagavad Gita (Eknath Easwaran translation)

    Tao Te Ching: A New English Version (Stephen Mitchell translation) by Lao Tzu

    Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin

    The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights by John Steinbeck

    The Belgariad Series, The Malloreon Series, The Elenium Series, The Tamuli Series, and The Dreamers Series by David Eddings

    The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien

    The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis

    The Complete C. S. Lewis Signature Classics by C. S. Lewis

    The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini

    The Labyrinth of Solitude by Octavio Paz

    Pedro Paramo by Juan Rulfo

    The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri

    Paradise Lost by John Milton

    Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl

    The Gift by Hafez

    The Essential Rumi

    The Harry Potter Series by J. K Rowling

    The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho

    Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach

    Becoming Wise by Krista Tipppett

    Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

    The Art of War by Sun Tzu

    The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield

    Steal Like An Artist  and Show Your Work by Austin Kleon

    Tribes by Seth Godin

    Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

    On the Shortness of Life by Seneca

    Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom by John O’Donohue

    Featured Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash


    Your taste is another person’s distaste, and that’s ok.


    Last night on Limhi.Live, I shared this video:


    As the video was playing, a new viewer wrote in chat: “Not this feminism bs.”

    He was obviously bothered. I shared with him that I didn’t see this as a feminism video but rather an inspiration video. Nike’s stated mission is to “bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world. (*If you have a body, you are an athlete).”

    This new viewer and I disagreed on the purpose of the video. My interaction with him brought a renewed awareness to the fact that we are all inspired by different things.

    You may be inspired by the video above, or you may not. If you’re not inspired by it, that’s ok. There is something else out there that does inspire you.

    Just as there are different colors, different notes, different tastes, and different light frequencies, there are different sources of inspiration. Your task is to recognize what fills you with courage, energy, and joy.

    Seek what fills you with light and love.

    Featured Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash.

    For more inspiration, watch Limhi.Live on Twitch.


    Moments are the building blocks of Life.


    The past is meant to be reviewed, not relived. The future is meant to be created, not anticipated.

    The past and the future are created in this very moment. You are writing the past and preparing the future right now. Focus on this very moment, improve it, and you will improve the past and the future.

    Improving this moment doesn’t take much. The best place to begin is with gratitude. Focus on one thing you can be grateful for right now. With that focus you’ve already begun to improve this moment. Continue to improve the moment through your words and your actions. Choose those words and actions that will fill you with joy. As you do so, you’ve improved the moment again.

    Moment after moment is how life is lived, and it’s how life is improved.

    When times are excruciating and tough, it can be hard to focus on improving the moment. It’s like experiencing an accident. Your focus and attention is fixed on what happened, on any injuries, on the damage caused. You want to assign blame, scream and protest, and wish it hadn’t happened.

    You may feel there is nothing to be grateful for in that moment, or that you don’t have the energy to even try to improve it. And if there’s a beautiful sunset or flower on the scene, you won’t notice them because your awareness is on the accident and it’s surrounding chaos.

    When that happens, you can improve the moment by giving in to the moment. Flowing with what is happening instead of resisting it. Improve from resistance to acceptance, and from acceptance to ownership.

    Do you want a life full of joy, peace, excitement, fun, and love? Fill this moment with those things…then the next moment, and the next, and so on…and you will create the life you want.

    Featured Photo by Iker Urteaga on Unsplash.

    To learn more on how to improve this moment, come watch my new talk show Limhi Live. You can watch it from my website or from my Twitch channel.




    …often go awry.


    You can plan all you want, prepare every needful thing, review a checklist, iron out all the details, work out the kinks, practice and practice…and still end up with an undesirable outcome.

    Sometimes things go wrong no matter how much you prepare. You do mistakes. Unexpected hiccups surface. Technical difficulties occur. Accidents happens. And when it does, will you be paralyzed or will you move forward?


    A life filled with intention and purpose is a thriving life.


    Let me tell you about Joseph Anderson.

    He is a transformational coach in the personal, business, and relationship areas of life. What he does is provide the ultimate life changing experience. An experience that helps you create the life you want. He’s the “It’s possible!” guy. He helps you believe and see that your dreams and goals are possible and within reach.

    Joseph also challenges your thinking and the limiting stories you tell yourself. The ones that keep you from expanding into possibility. He helps you explore those areas that must be cleared before you can make progress. With his guidance, you’re able to zero in on what’s holding you back and keeping you from a life full of joy and purpose.

    If you ask Joseph, he’ll tell you he loves helping people come alive. His ability to discern when you light up and you dim is one of his superpowers because it allows him to guide you to those places where you are at your best. When you think you’ve reached your edge, he challenges you to go just a little but further. You then walk into even more possibility.

    Joseph will believe in you, cheer you on, challenge you when you need to be challenged, point out things you aren’t even aware of, and he’ll help you heal those parts of you that need healing.

    He is someone worth having in your corner.

    So why am I telling you all of this? Because Joseph is my coach. All of those things I mentioned above, he’s done them for me. He’s helped me to level up in life, to move into possibility, to expect magic and miracles, and to have the courage to take bold action toward creating my dream life. Thanks to his coaching I am making a greater impact in the world.

    Sometimes we’ve butter heads because we have a different approach to things. But even when that’s been the case, it’s been beneficial for me to butt heads with him.

    You can live your life on automatic and default, or you can live it with intention and purpose. A life on automatic and default is a life of survival. A life filled with intention and purpose is a thriving life. Creating a thriving life requires you to be more than you’ve been up to this point. Joseph helps you to be more.

    When you’re ready to create a thriving life, seek the best help and support available to you. Whether it be a mentor, a spiritual guide or healer, or a life coach like Joseph. My money is on Joseph.

    If you’d like to learn more about Joseph and his coaching, check out his website.

    Featured Photo by Dan Burton on Unsplash.

    For more inspiration, watch my new talk show streaming live Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 6 to 8 PM (MST). Visit Limhi.Live or here.