How long has it been?

Dance is joy in motion. It is expression and release. If you haven’t danced in a while, get up and do a little dance right now.

Maybe you don’t like to dance. That’s ok. What do you love to do? What makes you feel joy? Whatever your answer, go and do that thing today.

Too often we are consumed by the day to day routines that we forget to be joyful. We forget to play. Or worse, we choose not to.

Choose each day to have at least one moment of fun. A moment where you play and feel joy because of what you’re doing. Share the moment with those you love, and you will multiply the joy. You’ll also increase your likelihood of doing it again and establishing a pattern of joy in your life.

You are meant to be joy-full. But it’s up to you to fill up the tank.

Featured photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash.